Special needs class July update

Here is the latest update on the special needs class in Lebanon provided by our dear friend Nour. If you wish to boost funds by donating to this very worthwhile project, for PayPal or Card Donations please visit pay.rrym.uk

Or for bank transfer it’s NatWest Bank, account name Refugee Relief Ynys Mon, Account: 71053743, Sort code: 51-61-14. Thank you and over to Nour.

Dear Donors, SEE VIDEO

We are delighted to share the progress and activities of our special needs class for this  month. Your generous support has enabled us to create a nurturing and impactful learning environment for 10 refugee children who live in Lebanon. Teaching pronunciation has been a key focus, and we are thrilled to report significant advancements. The children are becoming more confident in their speech, with noticeable improvements in their ability to articulate words. This progress has enhanced their communication skills and boosted their self-esteem, providing them with a stronger foundation for future learning. This month, we introduced a variety of concentration materials designed to improve focus and cognitive abilities. These materials include puzzles, memory games and activities requiring sustained attention. The children have shown increased engagement and improved concentration, which are crucial for their overall development. In addition to cognitive development, we have placed a strong emphasis on physical activities to empower the children’s muscles and promote physical well-being. Activities such  as stretching exercise and outdoor games have been integrated into our daily routine. These activities not only enhance physical strength but also contribute towards mental and emotional health. The impact of our program extends beyond educational and physical development. For many of these children, coming to the centre is the highlight of their day. It provides them with a safe space where they can play, relax, learn and socialise, far from the stresses and the small spaces in which they live.

Latest special-needs class report

Here is the latest report and VIDEO from the special-needs class in Lebanon, produced by our friend Nour. Enjoy!

The special needs class students are thriving and are feeling over the moon. As the respite center,Dar Al Amal remains their sanctuary amidst the numerous challenging conditions in Lebanon. It is the only place where everyone can come together to learn, enjoy, practice, and rest. As you can see from THE VIDEO, the children’s growth and the smiles on their faces speak volumes about the success we’ve achieved through our dedicated efforts with each one of them. Last month, with Tara’s invaluable help, we introduced bubble dancing classes. The children were incredibly happy and active, and it was a joy to witness. I was particularly delighted to see Zaha pronouncing new words for the first time. When she first joined us she was very shy and had many difficulties with pronunciation. This progress is mirrored across all our students, showing that our hard work is indeed bearing fruit. We are immensely proud of each child’s progress and are committed to continuing this journey of growth and joy with them.

We would like to thank Refugee Relief Ynys Mon and their supporters for enabling us to draw so many smiles on the poor children’s faces. Please continue to donate and support us to keep this class going. No amount is considered too small.

To make a donation you can use the link pay.rrym.uk where you will find several payment options. Or for bank transfer it’s NatWest Bank, account name Refugee Relief Ynys Mon,  Account number: 71053743, Sort code: 51-61-14.

Thanks for taking the time to read this report. in a time where donations are increasingly hard to come by, would you please consider helping to make the difference that will enable us to safeguard  the longevity of this very important project? If you can’t donate, maybe you would consider sharing this post.

Lebanon Special Needs Class

What have the children been up to recently in our special needs class in Lebanon, I wonder?

Well, why not watch the following VIDEO put together by our friend Nour and find out. If anyone would be kind enough to donate to this very worthwhile project please follow the link pay.rrym.uk where you will find a variety of payment options. Alternatively, for bank transfer it’s NatWest Bank Account: 71053743, Sort code: 51-61-14 and the name on the account is Refugee Relief Ynys Mon.  Thanks for taking the time to read this post. Refugee children deserve the same right to learn,  to play and  to derive some enjoyment from their lives as any other child. Will you help us to make this possible by making a donation or by sharing this post?

Lebanon Special Needs Class3

Here is the latest update on the special needs class in Lebanon.
As usual The report and Accompanying Video have  been produced by our friend Nour.

This week RRYM will be sending funds to further support the class for the next three months. If you would like to make a donation towards supporting this very special initiative,
For PayPal or Card Donations please visit pay.rrym.uk

Or NatWest Bank Account: 71053743, Sort code: 51-61-14.
The name on the bank account is  Refugee Relief Ynys Mon.
Thank you, and over to Nour:

The progress observed among the ten students in the special needs class is remarkable, particularly in their newfound ability to write with ease. Notably, their time at the centre offers them some respite from the stress of their daily lives in cramped tents. The joy radiating from their smiles upon arrival at the centre is heart warming. Yesterday each student received a Ramadan food parcel, further enhancing their sense of care and support.
With improving weather, the children are actively engaging in various outdoor activities, relishing the sunshine in the playground after enduring a harsh, prolonged winter in their camps in  Arsal.

Help this young lad?

Help this young lad?

I’m aware that it’s a huge ask folks, especially as so many of you have recently shown such generosity in enabling us to improve the lot of Gorey and family, but is there anything we can do to help this young lad, his parents and siblings?  Here is Nour to explain a little about their current situation.

On a chilly afternoon, and after a long day at our  school “Dar al amal”, I noticed a young boy wandering the streets  trying to sell stuff to people passing by. I called him over to learn more about him. When he approached, I saw he was wearing thin, dirty clothes and shivering from the cold. In one hand he held some biscuits, and in the other a few pennies he’d earned.

He introduced himself as Julibeeb and said he was just eight years old. It was getting dark, so we offered to take him home. Just like Gory, he hopped into the car without hesitation.

We visited his family in their tent, which looked empty and dark because of recent floods and the lack of electricity in Lebanon.

Julibeeb’s mother explained they had no choice but to send him and his brother Adham  who is ten years old to sell biscuits all day to support the family. She couldn’t work because she had five children to care for, and their father was sick with a nerve disease, unable to work either. None of the kids had ever been to school, missing out on education.

It is a heart breaking story, and I see more like it every single day here in Arsal. All I could do was to register Julibeeb and Adham at our school where they can at least receive education, hygiene care and psychological support. It’s a small step, but it might make a big difference in their lives.

For PayPal or Card Donations, visit pay.rrym.uk

Or NatWest Bank Account: 71053743, Sort code: 51-61-14.

Please know that no amount will be considered too small. Any financial donation you feel able to make will help to provide this family with some of the items they so desperately need.

Thank you for your patience.

Gory and family Update

Last Friday, we at RRYM sent a total of £500 to support Gory and family.  Thanks to donations made by Simone, Christel and another supporter who sadly didn’t include their name, we were able to accumulate over £300 for the family. It was then decided that the charity would make up the sum needed to purchase the items from money in general funds. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who has supported us in this project. Here is a video showing the

family as they receive the items purchased. I don’t think anything can ever rival the happiness and excitement shown in the faces of children at a time like this.

Where you can find us

Registered Address

33 St. Seiriols Road, Llandudno, LL30 2YT


01492 873365



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