I’m aware that it’s a huge ask folks, especially as so many of you have recently shown such generosity in enabling us to improve the lot of Gorey and family, but is there anything we can do to help this young lad, his parents and siblings? Here is Nour to explain a little about their current situation.
On a chilly afternoon, and after a long day at our school “Dar al amal”, I noticed a young boy wandering the streets trying to sell stuff to people passing by. I called him over to learn more about him. When he approached, I saw he was wearing thin, dirty clothes and shivering from the cold. In one hand he held some biscuits, and in the other a few pennies he’d earned.
He introduced himself as Julibeeb and said he was just eight years old. It was getting dark, so we offered to take him home. Just like Gory, he hopped into the car without hesitation.
We visited his family in their tent, which looked empty and dark because of recent floods and the lack of electricity in Lebanon.
Julibeeb’s mother explained they had no choice but to send him and his brother Adham who is ten years old to sell biscuits all day to support the family. She couldn’t work because she had five children to care for, and their father was sick with a nerve disease, unable to work either. None of the kids had ever been to school, missing out on education.
It is a heart breaking story, and I see more like it every single day here in Arsal. All I could do was to register Julibeeb and Adham at our school where they can at least receive education, hygiene care and psychological support. It’s a small step, but it might make a big difference in their lives.

For PayPal or Card Donations, visit pay.rrym.uk
Or NatWest Bank Account: 71053743, Sort code: 51-61-14.
Please know that no amount will be considered too small. Any financial donation you feel able to make will help to provide this family with some of the items they so desperately need.
Thank you for your patience.