Sharief and Deeb Update

Sharief and Deeb Update

Yesterday turned out to be a very important day in the lives of the two young boys, Sharief and Deeb. It was the day that had been selected for them to undergo their medical tests at the American University Hospital in Beirut. Sadly it was decided at the last minute that only Deeb would be physically well enough to withstand the long journey and undergo the tests. Sharief continues to lose weight and his general condition grows ever more frail. Nour accompanied Deeb and his mum on the eight hour round trip. I include the
video she took during their visit to the hospital, along with pictures of the receipts showing that your donations were paid to the relevant organisation. thanks 1 million for making this possible. We couldn’t do it without the generosity of you our supporters. Now the long wait begins, the weight for the test results. This will take a few weeks. I hope with all my heart that the results will come soon enough to help both boys.

Nine year old girl selling biscuits on the street

Nine year old girl selling biscuits on the street

I’m writing this appeal with a deep sense of injustice and a very heavy heart. Since when was it okay to expect young children to undergo such hardship whilst fighting for their survival and that of their entire family?

Sometimes this world seems way too brutal a place, particularly when we know that there are thousands of children who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in a similar situation.

This afternoon I received the following message from Nour in Lebanon.  It is my fervent hope that with your support we will be  able to help this family improve their situation. Over to you Nour:Today, a young girl named Gory appeared at our school gates, offering biscuits for sale. With a heavy heart, she confided in me that she was just nine years old and unable to read or write. Her words struck a chord, revealing a glimpse of the hardships she endured.

Determined to help, I paid a visit to Gory’s home and spoke with her mother, urging her to cease sending Gory out alone into the unforgiving streets. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, we swiftly enrolled Gory in our school’s upcoming classes, offering her a glimmer of hope for a brighter future.

Gory’s gentle nature and the haunting stories reflected in her eyes spoke volumes about her experiences of suffering and displacement. With her father incapacitated by illness and a large family to support, Gory shoulders the responsibility of providing bread and medication by venturing out each day to sell biscuits.

In the face of adversity, Gory’s resilience shines through, reminding us of the strength found within the most vulnerable among us. Her story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of compassion and the transformative power of education in shaping lives and breaking the cycle of poverty.

Gory’s narrative represents just one among the myriad accounts of syrian refugee children .

If you feel able to help we and the family would be truly grateful. For PayPal or Card Donations, visit

Or NatWest Bank Account: 71053743, Sort code: 51-61-14. Thank you.

Special needs class in Lebanon Update

Here is the latest update from the special needs class in Lebanon, complete with another wonderful video showing the children’s  learning activities for the past month.  It is a pleasure and a privilege to see how these children, who had previously received no form of education, have developed over the past twelve months. Today RRYM will be sending £800 to finance the class for a further three months.

In today’s financial climate it is becoming increasingly difficult for a  small charity such as ours to find the sum of £3,200 a year to support this vital project. If you feel able to help by making a Financial Donation we would be extremely grateful. Enjoy The Video.

This month we have been concentrating on calculations, reading and English. As you can see from the video we are using learning materials ( hand made.) We prepare cards and draw pictures like cars, ants and butterflies using attractive colours. Also we have  been using a large screen to show them cartoons while the children were eating their snacks. The children really  enjoyed looking at the TV since most of them don’t have electricity in their tents.


As we continue to make our last minute preparations for Christmas, can we please spare a thought for a very dedicated mum and her two brave sons who are struggling for survival in the camps of Lebanon? Their situation is such a sad one. I’d like to think that at the time of year when the giving and receiving of gifts features so highly on our agenda, we could help  this family by making it possible for these boys to receive the tests and  medication they so  desperately need. If you would please consider donating to this emergency appeal, we as a charity would be beyond grateful. Please feel free to use the link pay.rrym or contact us for details.
Thank you. Here is their story.

Sharief, a 12-year-old weighing only 9 kilograms, and Deeb, a 4-year-old at 7 kilograms, are two Syrian refugee boys facing significant health challenges. Both boys grapple with brain paralysis, delayed sensory and motor development, and malnutrition. Raised by a single mother, they require specialized food and medication for their well-being. Unfortunately, the harsh circumstances experienced by Syrian refugees in Lebanon hinder their mother’s ability to meet these essential needs. During my visit, I observed Sharif’s noticeable weight loss, attributed to the unavailability of their prescribed diet and fruits. Through the assistance and support provided by Henna, we were able to supply them with diapers,Milk, oats, fruits, and medication for one month. We earnestly seek additional support to continue aiding these vulnerable children. Your contribution will make a meaningful difference in improving their quality of life.

See Video

Special Needs Christmas Party

Last year RRYM, thanks to your generous support, had the pleasure of financing an annual party for the children who attend the special needs class in Lebanon. We would dearly love to do the same this year, but can only manage it with your help. I know times are hard for everyone, particularly with the onset of Christmas, but these children so deserve a little joy and happiness in their lives. If you would please consider donating towards our target of £130, we would be so  very grateful.

lease feel free to use the link or our charity’s bank account.  Refugee Relief Ynys Mon, NatWest
Account number: 71053743, Sort code: 51-61-14.

Our hope is to raise sufficient funds within the next couple of weeks, so that the money can be sent in good time for our friends on the ground to prepare a party for early January. Any possible surplus funds will be put towards the education of these lovely children. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this request.

Latest video produced by our dear friend in Lebanon

ere is the latest video produced by our dear friend in Lebanon. It shows a school day in the lives of the children who attend the special needs class each week.

It will soon be time for us to send sufficient funds to support the children’s education for the next three months.  With the onset of winter, one of the most pressing requirements for  the next little while will be heating oil to keep the  classroom temperature at a tolerable level for working.

If you would like to help us in our efforts to continue  supporting these children and their dedicated teachers, please use the link pay.rrym or contact us for our charity’s bank details. Thank you and enjoy the VIDEO

Where you can find us

Registered Address

33 St. Seiriols Road, Llandudno, LL30 2YT


01492 873365


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