Here is the latest update from the special needs class in Lebanon, complete with another wonderful video showing the children’s learning activities for the past month. It is a pleasure and a privilege to see how these children, who had previously received no form of education, have developed over the past twelve months. Today RRYM will be sending £800 to finance the class for a further three months.
In today’s financial climate it is becoming increasingly difficult for a small charity such as ours to find the sum of £3,200 a year to support this vital project. If you feel able to help by making a Financial Donation we would be extremely grateful. Enjoy The Video.
This month we have been concentrating on calculations, reading and English. As you can see from the video we are using learning materials ( hand made.) We prepare cards and draw pictures like cars, ants and butterflies using attractive colours. Also we have been using a large screen to show them cartoons while the children were eating their snacks. The children really enjoyed looking at the TV since most of them don’t have electricity in their tents.